[9], The constant changing of operational targets once the offensive was underway gave the impression the German command had no coherent strategic goal. mobilisation. Cependant, le barrage ne permet pas d'empêcher les troupes allemandes d'avancer de 8 km le premier jour de leur attaque, connu sous le nom de code opération Gneisenau. The British 40th Division, on the northern flank of the Portuguese, also rapidly collapsed before the attack, opening a gap that further facilitated the envelopment of the Portuguese by the Germans. Betrachtungen Zur Deutschen Frühjahrsoffensive 1918." for the failure to formulate sound and clear strategy. 2", p.963. [8] The German government and Field Marshal Paul von Hindenburg, nominally the Chief of the General Staff, were not party to the planning process. Montdidier. Pris par surprise, débordés et submergés, les défenseurs reculèrent sur tout le front, une large brèche s'ouvrit, permettant aux Allemands d'avancer de plus de 50 km. Ludendorff now postponed Hagen and launched the German Seventh, First and Third Armies in the Friedensturm (Peace Offensive) of 15 July, a renewed attempt to draw Allied reserves south from Flanders and to expand the salient created by Blücher–Yorck eastwards. Comment la reprise de la guerre de mouvement mène-t-elle à la fin du conflit ? [24] All of this could be replaced, either from French and British factories or from American manpower. On March 21, they launched a huge offensive in an attempt to smash France and Britain before the United States could enter the … Plusieurs opérations allemandes fure… Août 1918. The rest follows." Imprint Paris, Grou-Radenez, 1922. It was, however, of little value; a Pyrrhic victory in terms of the casualties suffered by the crack troops, as the vital positions of Amiens and Arras remained in Allied hands. Bien que l'offensive ait un objectif limité, ses premiers succès persuadent le haut commandement allemand de poursuivre vers Paris, qui n'est qu'à 130 km. [30] Ludendorff sought to extend Blücher-Yorck westward with Operation Gneisenau, intending to draw yet more Allied reserves south, widen the German salient and link with the German salient at Amiens. Août 1914. août 1915. août 1916. août 1917. L'apparition de 8 cas de choléra dans le 268 e régiment, partie de la 81e division de réserve du 41 e corps, amène le service médical à déclarer toute l'unité inapte au combat et renvoyer précipitamment les malades … Sous les ordres du général Erich Ludendorff, chef d'état major général adjoint, la XVIIIe armée du général Oskar von Hutier lance la quatrième série d'offensives. Alors que le 21 mars 1918, une offensive allemande se déclenche en Picardie, relisons les lettres de combattants parues dans Le Figaro entre 1914 et 1916. The British abandoned the comparatively worthless territory they had captured at vast cost the previous year around Ypres, freeing several divisions to face the German attackers. Le pacte d’assistance mutuelle qui nous liait aux Anglais fonctionna parfaitement jusqu’en mars 1918. The first advance, Operation Michael, began on March 21, 1918. Items in Stacks; Mais les alliés tiennent et, finalement, le 2 mai, la quatrième bataille d'Ypres s'achève sans que l'armée allemande puisse espérer atteindre son objectif. There was a frenzied atmosphere in Paris, which German long-range guns had been shelling since 21 March, with many citizens fleeing and the government drawing up plans to evacuate to Bordeaux.[28]. By mid-April 1918 most of the German divisions on the Eastern Front had been transferred to the … In August, they used this and improved tactics to launch a counteroffensive. [36] American troops were for the first time also used as independent formations. The German objective was the penetration of the Western Frontat two of its weaker points. No clear objective was established before the start of the offensives and once the operations were underway, the targets of the attacks were constantly changed according to the battlefield (tactical) situation. "The Tragic Pursuit of Total Victory. Michael was the main attack, which was intended to break through the Allied lines, outflank the British forces (which held the front from the Somme River to the English Channel) and defeat the British Army. to describe it as a pyrrhic victory. Mais la percée ne réussit pas, parce que le général Ludendorff, qui ne subissait pourtant que peu d'opposition sur sa gauche, continua à concentrer ses réserves devant Arras, où la résistance britannique devint de plus en plus forte. "The Kaiser's blitz: The Germans launched a massive spring offensive in 1918 spearheaded by elite storm-troop units in a desperate Did to break the stalemate and win the war. Michael had drawn British forces to defend Amiens, leaving the rail route through Hazebrouck and the approaches to the Channel ports of Calais, Boulogne and Dunkirk vulnerable. Deux chars anglais sont évacués sans dommages et le tank allemand est légèrement endommagé. Elle fut arrêtée par les renforts de l'armée française, avec la 56e division d'infanterie de réserve commandée par le général Demetz (avec notamment ses 4 bataillons d'élite dont le 65e bataillon de chasseurs à pied à Montdidier), avec la 133e division d'infanterie, la 4e division de cavalerie dirigés par le général Mesplé, la 22e division d'infanterie et la 62e division d'infanterie du général Robillot. Also known as the Ludendorff Offensive , after its commander Erich Ludendorff . Le 21 mars 1918, l'Allemagne se lance dans une offensive majeure afin de forcer les défenses franco-britanniques. Gneisenau was called off the following day.[31]. 2", p.963. Haig dut faire venir d'urgence des renforts du Royaume-Uni et le QG britannique dut retirer des divisions d'autres théâtres d'opérations. [33] The initiative had clearly passed to the Allies, who were shortly to begin the Hundred Days Offensive which ended the war. After an entire year spent in the trenches, the Portuguese were tired and had suffered heavy losses. Voyage interminable. The first advance, Operation Michael, began on March 21, 1918. Il est manifeste qu'après Ypres, l'Allemagne veut utiliser les forces libérées par la paix avec la Russie pour un effort suprême plus au sud. From 0440, the fire-waltz pounded 43 miles of British lines – such a vast stretch the Allies were left uncertain where the assault would occur. General Erich Ludendorff was the driving force in the preparation of this onslaught, despite his position subordinate to the nominal commander, Field Marshal Paul von Hindenburg. Items must be requested in advance and viewed on-site. English: Media relating to the German Spring Offensive of 1918 on the Western Front in Europe, collectively known in German as the Kaiserschlacht (Kaiser's Battle). Offensive allemande du printemps 1918 JMO du 132 ème RI – 24 mars 1918. Mais, à partir de juillet, les forces de l’Entente lancent leur contre-offensive. They were left with an extensive 7 mi (11 km) front, without natural obstacles which might benefit the defence. Au nord d'Ypres, les Belges tiennent leur front sans désemparer malgré plusieurs assauts allemands. The fast-moving stormtrooper units could not carry enough food and ammunition to sustain themselves for long, and the army could not move in supplies and reinforcements fast enough to assist them. Even so, about a million German soldiers remained tied up in the east until the end of the war. They had incurre… Offensive du Printemps (bataille du Kaiser), Srpskohrvatski / српскохрватски, 50° 00′ 10″ nord, 2° 39′ 10″ est, Bombardements de Paris et de sa banlieue durant la Première Guerre mondiale, Seconde bataille de la Marne, juillet 1918 - Mémorial de Dormans, Vie en Belgique durant la Première Guerre mondiale, Gouvernement général impérial allemand de Belgique, Comité national de secours et d’alimentation, Section artistique de l'armée belge en campagne, Résistance intérieure belge (1914-1918), Mémoire de la Première Guerre mondiale en Belgique, Entrée des États-Unis dans la Première Guerre mondiale, conférence de Kreuznach des 17 et 18 mai 1917, conférence de Hombourg du 13 février 1918, traité de Brest-Litovsk (Empires centraux-Ukraine), Portail des forces armées des États-Unis, https://fr.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Offensive_du_Printemps&oldid=177607042, Bataille de la Première Guerre mondiale impliquant la France, Bataille de la Première Guerre mondiale impliquant l'Australie, Bataille de la Première Guerre mondiale impliquant la Nouvelle-Zélande, Bataille de la Première Guerre mondiale impliquant le Canada, Bataille de la Première Guerre mondiale impliquant le Royaume-Uni, Bataille de la Première Guerre mondiale impliquant les États-Unis, Conflit militaire géolocalisable sans coordonnées paramétrées, Article contenant un appel à traduction en anglais, Catégorie Commons avec lien local identique sur Wikidata, Portail:Première Guerre mondiale/Articles liés, Portail:Époque contemporaine/Articles liés, Portail:Histoire militaire/Articles liés, Portail:Forces armées des États-Unis/Articles liés, Portail:Empire britannique/Articles liés, licence Creative Commons attribution, partage dans les mêmes conditions, comment citer les auteurs et mentionner la licence. In July 1918, the Allies regained their numerical advantage with the arrival of American troops. Et sur son ordre, son artillerie bombarde sévèrement les troupes d'assaut ennemies peu avant leur offensive. Hit hard by the Feuerwalze bombardment and under the assault of eight German divisions, the Portuguese 2nd Division made a desperate defence, trying to hold their positions, which, however, were rapidly enveloped and overrun by the masses of German forces. Although the British had learned the approximate time and location of the offensive, the weight of the attack and of the preliminary bombardment was an unpleasant surprise. One army would advance to threaten Paris and force the exhausted French to sign an armistice. By the end of the first day, the Germans had made significant advances. Cependant, la grande offensive alliée qui doit vaincre l'Allemagne n'est pas encore pour tout de suite. The advance was slowed by supply shortages, which gave Allied commanders more time to reinforce the threatened areas and to slow the advance still more. Libérées du front de l’Est par le traité de Brest-Litovsk les divisions d'infanterie allemandes sont amenées rapidement par le chemin de fer sur le front occidental. En 1918, l’armée alliée aligne 8000 chars et les Allemands … By the standards of the time, there had been a substantial advance. 2 nd Morlancourt. Plusieurs opérations allemandes furent mises au point : Michael, Georgette, Gneisenau et Blücher-Yorck. [25] Again, the strategic results were disappointing for the Germans. [10][11], The German army had concentrated many of its best troops into stormtrooper units, trained in infiltration tactics to infiltrate and bypass enemy front line units, leaving these strong points to be "mopped-up" by follow-up troops. The main attack was made on the open and flat sector defended by the Portuguese Expeditionary Corps. The 1918 Spring Offensive, or Kaiserschlacht ("Kaiser's Battle"), also known as the Ludendorff Offensive, was a series of German attacks along the Western Front during the First World War, beginning on 21 March 1918. L'objectif de Ludendorff est d'empêcher les Français d'envoyer des renforts aux Britanniques qui se trouvent dans le nord de la France, où il prévoit une nouvelle attaque. [37], This article is about the World War I German offensive of 1918. For other uses, see, Churchill, "The World Crisis, Vol. Behind, out of range of German field artillery, was the "battle zone" where the offensive was to be firmly resisted, and behind that again, out of range of all but the heaviest German guns, was a "rear zone" where reserves were held ready to counter-attack or seal off penetrations. On March 21, 1918, near the Somme River in France, the German army launches its first major offensive on the Western Front in two years. [31] German manpower was exhausted. À 9 h 40, deux cent mille Allemands attaquent les lignes anglaises entre Cambrai et Saint-Quentin. VI.1 L’Hiver 1917-1918 – L’offensive Allemande 1.11.17-30.4.18: Official History: Anon. However, these remained only secondary and weaker operations, subordinate to Michael. Eventually it was decided to launch Operation Michael near Saint-Quentin, at the hinge between the French and British armies, and strike north to Arras. En mars 1918, le commandement allemand lance une grande offensive à l’Ouest : c’est le retour de la guerre de mouvement. This process gave the German army an initial advantage in the attack, but meant that the best formations would suffer disproportionately heavy casualties, while the quality of the remaining formations declined as they were stripped of their best personnel to provide the storm troops. On 21 March 1918, the Germans launched a big offensive against the British Fifth Army and the right wing of the British Third Army. Bombardment would always be brief so as to retain surprise. Le général Ludendorff, chef d'état-major général adjoint allemand, lance sa troisième offensive sur le front occidental en 1918, par une attaque de diversion contre les Français qui tiennent le secteur du Chemin des Dames, sur l'Aisne. Les autres offensives étaient subordonnées à Michael et ont été conçues pour détourner les forces alliées de l'offensive principale sur la Somme. This tactical error meant the infantry had to keep up an exhausting tempo of advance. 22 manuels numériques max avec tous les contenus des manuels Belin Éducation nouveaux programmes de lycée, organisés en base de données, et des milliers de ressources. Ludendorff privately conceded that Germany could no longer win a war of attrition, yet he was not ready to give up the German gains in the West and East and was one of the main obstacles to the German government's attempts to reach a settlement with the Western Allies.[7]. Counterattacks by British, French and Anzac forces slowed and stopped the German advance. Ce n'est que le 28 mars que Ludendorff songea brusquement aux possibilités qui se présentaient du côté de la Somme, pour effectuer une percée rapide et décisive en direction de Paris, mais il était alors trop tard. Le manuel numérique max, c’est le complément indispensable du manuel papier ou numérique. At Compiègne, a sudden French counter-attack on 11 June, by four divisions and 150 tanks (under General Charles Mangin) with no preliminary bombardment, caught the Germans by surprise and halted their advance.